
Now & Zen Landscapes provide a full range of concrete services to the Blue Mountains and Bellingen Shire. Immaculate driveways, stairs, and specialist-shaped formwork ensure exceptional quality and craftsmanship for your outdoor spaces.

Header Chester Steps | Concrete Landscaping

Concrete offers more than just structural integrity.

It can add a touch of artistic beauty to your outdoor spaces.

While the durability of key structural components is paramount in garden design, our talented design team always strives to incorporate concrete in an aesthetically pleasing manner whenever possible.

Our dedicated team of skilled craftsmen specialises in a wide range of concrete applications, including driveways, pathways, patios, stairs, and more. Our expertise extends to specialised techniques such as shaped formwork, subtle counter levers, and sculpted structural elements, allowing us to create visually stunning and architecturally captivating features.

Whether you desire a sleek and modern design or a more organic and natural feel, our concrete division combines functionality with aesthetic appeal, adding a touch of elegance to your landscape.


Concrete Gallery

Driveway and steps installation